
Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Fairy Pools and an iron age dwelling

Yesterday we went somewhere magical. Sorry for the photo heavy post. I found it very hard to reduce the pictures down, even by this much!

Nestled in a valley, with the mountains protecting it from the elements

One of many waterfalls. It was lovely listening to the constant bubble of water. Even though I needed the loo for the entire walk

The first of the pools. The water really was that blue. In the summer you can go swimming in them

Corey's already picked this one out as his pool.

The walk was lovely. We went early enough to miss the crowds.

As we walked back to the car, quite a few people turned up. Including parents with toddlers: a perfect way to let them have fun and tire themselves out!

The most common picture of the pools. When the light hits it, it makes the water shine and glow blue. Unfortunately we were too early in the day for that to happen!
Corey had asked me if there was anywhere else to go in that general direction. I told him there was an Iron Age broch we could go see. And so we took our achy legs for a bit of a drive to Struan

You can't take him anywhere without him digging in the ground for something.

The Iron Age people definitely picked the right place for a glorious view!

Dun Beag, an Iron Age Broch


  1. It all looks so wonderful. I really need to explore Scotland properly! Xx

  2. Looks like you're having an amazing time! Very jealous....


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