
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

One photo a month

Ha! Everything's out of whack at the moment. Last year I was all about having specific days for specific posts. You know: Monday is craft day, Wednesday recipe stuff and Friday photography, with a bit of random nonsense thrown in. Well, I plan on going back to that, but currently I'm coping with going back to work and I'm just a little busy with other things. So right now it's a case of "what do I have pretty pictures for right this minute?". For the posts I'd like to write I need to take photographs. Right now I'm stressing Corey out by helping him prepare for his interview. I don't have time to take photographs!

Anyhoo, back to the post. I have decided that once a month, on the first Saturday of the month, at approximately 1pm, I'm going to take a picture of the exact same spot in order to show how it changes over the year. First Saturday of the month because currently the first day of the month is on a weekday, and I work during the's dark after work and the place I would be taking pictures of isn't so great to be at night. Oh, and 1pm...well, that was roughly when I left the house to head into town this past Saturday! The picture is always going to be unedited. It may be a little rough around the edges (see below) due to me taking the picture quickly.

The location: I ummed and aahed about this. It would have to be a place where you can see the visual changes each month. I thought it would also be good for it to be a place that means something to me, so that I can look back at it in the future and smile. 

Victoria Park, Leicester. I could have taken a picture across the wide expanse of field, looking out towards the University of Leicester, but I chose this path for a reason. Every morning in my first year I would walk up Queen's Road, cross at the traffic lights and go up this path. You can see the shadow of the university behind the tree's, the looming concrete mass of the Attenborough tower. You can just about see the physics building to the left of the picture in the background. This path has the memory of the first day I walked into university, a small, lonely, homesick fresher. It's the path I would walk later on with the friends I had made, walking with the confidence of a student who had found her feet. The park faces the university, or the university faces the park. Whatever way you look at it, the two are intertwined. Students walk across in winter and drape themselves on the grass in summer. Members of the public walk their dogs and take their children to play, oftentimes going all the way to the university to use one of the many cafe's.

In the winter months this path is barren. Bereft of students who have gone home for the holidays, and bare of leaves on the trees. It changes throughout the year, the trees get leaves, the paths, students.

I could walk this path blindfolded, although I'd probably step into the cycle lane right in front of a bike, knowing me.


  1. Looking forward to these photos. I love seeing all the trees outside my window change. When the leaves start turning and fall I always feel a bit sad that all the greenery has gone, but you can see beyond them and I realise I've missed the view. A few weeks later they're frost covered and they look so pretty then eventually they're covered in leaves once more and I realise I've missed all the bright it starts again!

    1. Do you have a lovely view once the leaves have gone? That makes up for the lack of leaves! I'm looking forward to being able to look back and watch the changes. And see if I can see the subtle changes, such as leaves budding and gradually covering the trees again.


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