
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New year, make some changes

"The key to change... is to let go of fear." 
- Rosanne Cash

I'm not usually one for New Years resolutions. They usually last a week, maybe two, before I give up. Yeah, I have great willpower...This time, though, I truly do want to make some changes. Last year wasn't great for several reasons. We live in a flat we hate, with damp walls and neighbours who like to argue between the hours of 12 am and 5 am (and as I write this, we possibly now have a mouse, too). Neither of us are particularly happy with where we currently are in life, beyond relationship wise and we've gotten rather lonely living in Leicester far from friends and family. Last year we stagnated a little, waiting for something to change, not realising that, cliched though it be, sometimes you have to be the change. 

December opened my eyes. I started saying yes to things I normally would shy away from doing. I became incredibly busy each evening, completing presents and baking. Each night I'd be exhausted, in a good way. I started talking to people online. And, surprise surprise, I feel a lot happier.

2013 is going to be different. Instead of complaining about things that make me unhappy, or waiting for things to change, I'm going to do something about it. I am going to take control of the things I can control.


Flat wise: we can't move. There are several reasons for this. The price is right, it's small, but we sort of fit in, it's right near my work. Should Corey get a job elsewhere in the country, I can afford to live here by myself. If he gets a job in Leicester, we'll be out of here before you can say Jack Rabbit, but for now, we stay. In order to start 2013 right, I've spent the past weekend pretty much spring cleaning the place. I've sorted out cupboards, cleaned windows, moved furniture, thrown a lot of things away and put things in their rightful places. I want to continue keeping it a clean and relatively tidy place. The things within the house that I can improve, I will, whether it's nicer bedding, or more pictures on the walls. Gradually it will become a place I am not ashamed of letting other people see, a place I want to come home to.

Healthy wise, I am starting the Couch to 5k program again. I did it at the beginning of last year, decided I'd go to the gym instead, went to the gym for a month and then nothing. This year I will complete a 10 k run, if not more. I also need to buy a bike and start a cycling routine, as I promised my dad I'd do his 21st Argus cycle tour with him in 2014. That's 109 ks (roughly) up and down mountains, often in hot or windy weather.

Diet wise: I have a pretty balanced diet anyway. Yes, I occasionally binge, and a tub of Ben and Jerry's never lasts long, but we rarely buy junk food, anyway. I would, however, like to vary my meals. I'd like to bake different breads and make my own jams and chutneys. Currently I crochet, knit and take a handful of nice photographs. I'd like to improve my cooking and baking skills next year. 

Finally, personal changes. Vain though this sounds, I'd like to become better at personal grooming matters. Yes, I shower every day and look relatively well put together. Nevertheless, I hardly ever wear make-up and jewelry and my most adventurous hairstyle is usually a bun I've done while sitting at my desk, where I didn't use a brush or mirror to do it right. I've bought a few make-up essentials over the past week. I'm unlikely to walk into work everyday with make-up on, but I want to change my look once in a while. I've also got me some hot curlers and some quick style clips and ties. I'd like to make a little bit more of an effort with the way I'll look. At heart I'll always be a tomboy in a dress, and I'll never be the type of person who has to leave the house with make-up on. It would be nice to allow myself to be a bit of a girl sometimes. 

So here's to next year. Here's to change, and not being afraid of it. Here's to my word of the year: challenge. Here's to saying yes to exercise, new recipes and improving things I can improve. To saying yes to meeting new people, and going new places. 

So, happy New Year, everyone! May the year be full of joy, happiness and love for you all. 

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