
Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Postcard from Skye

As I'm on holiday, and will get told off if I'm on my laptop a lot (he's sleeping at the moment, so he'll never know if you don't tell him!), I'm going to spend the week posting a few photo's from the previous day. It means all I have to do is pick one or two photo's from yesterday, explain what they are and that's it. Today I'm going to write a little more.

On Sunday we drove from Leicester to Carlisle, through the Peak District. We didn't stop to take any photo's, but I have plenty from our time in Edale a couple of years ago. Yesterday we did the second leg: from Carlisle all the way to the Isle of Skye. Corey wanted to go somewhere abroad. Somewhere hot, somewhere away from it all. We were looking at several places, but I knew we'd have to spend more to go and have a decent holiday. Plus, and this sounds so anti-social, I just didn't want to spend it where there would be lots of people. I didn't want noisy market places, and felt like somewhere I know would be peaceful, quiet and good for the soul. I suggested Skye. Me. The girl who craves warmth and celebrates the end of winter. Corey, always one for hiking and exploring the Highlands, agreed. I chose the destination, he chose the place to stay.

The past two weeks have shown me just how much I need a holiday. I was tired, not physically, I wasn't even particularly stressed (or so I thought). I felt weary, though, as if the world was pulling me down. The second we hit Scotland and the mountains appeared, I knew we'd made the right decision. The scenery, with craggy mountains, and the occasional snow tipped peak, soothed me. The mountains and crisp blue sky were reflected in every loch we saw. Then we got to our cottage and watched the sun go down behind the hills. I could live here, happily, gazing out at the sea and mountains each day.

Unfortunately, the pictures I took yesterday are no good. I forgot I was mucking about with my ISO last time I used the camera, so had it turned all the way up, creating a lot of noise on my pictures. They still show some of the beauty of where we went, so I'll put some up, but I won't be keeping them after that! 

Ben Nevis. I may keep this photo, it doesn't look that bad!

Eilean Donan Castle. I actually like what the high ISO has done in this photo!

Loch Duich, with Eilean Donan to the side.
Now I'm off to have breakfast, and then explore some of what this island has to offer!


  1. Have an awesome time. I hope at the end you feel rejuvenated and ready to come back to 'real life'!! Oh to be alone and peaceful an just the 2 of you :)

    1. I already feel rejuvenated! I'm not so sure I'd be ready to come back to real life, though. Corey was checking the local paper to see whether there were any jobs on offer, so I think he feels the same way :-P

  2. Wow Crysta this looks amazing! I will definitely be suggesting Skye to Chris for our next getaway. Can't wait on your reviews on where to stay :) x

    1. Oh, you should definitely come up here! I haven't even put up pictures of Skye itself (the pictures of the view from our window were rubbish!). After today, we're both even more in love with this place. Tomorrow we're off to walk around the Fairy Pools, and they look absolutely magical.

  3. I am so pleased you've got a new laptop and are back to blogging. It's also lovely that you're taking a holiday and you're in Scotland! I love the picture of Eilean Donan, I am actually making a stone carving based on it at the moment so if I had known I could have requested specific angles! :)
    Have a wonderful time xx

    1. Unless we head up to Inverness, we will probably be going past the island again, so I'm happy to take pictures of any angle you like! We both love Scotland, so it was an easy holiday choice to make.


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