
Tuesday 18 December 2012

#ShareAdvent - Mulled wine

Bad habits die hard, eh? I initially started posting every day, and now I'm slacking, aren't I? To be fair, I've been hit with the tiredness train. This always happens around this time of the year: my body is probably currently fighting off the nasties around the office (a stomach bug and horrible cold) and succeeding admirably. It's also realised that in 4 days time, it's on holiday. It's decided it would like to go on holiday now, please, and is letting me know by making me feel absolutely shattered! I'm currently showing it who's boss, and continuing as per normal...sort of. While I haven't posted, I did make a hat (pictures next week once #ShareAdvent is done!).

I tried to find some mistletoe while I wandered around town on Sunday, for Day 15, but alas, I could not find some. I'll be off to the florist tomorrow to see if I can find some there. Anna mentioned Waitrose, but since the nearest one is about an hours walk away (and I have no car to make that journey shorter!) I don't think I'll be able to get it from there! Flower buying for Day 17...well, that was easy! My office did Secret Santa this year, and I was lucky enough to have someone easy to buy for. So off I went to Homebase and bought her some amaryllis to grow herself. I bought two kinds, as neither had the price on, and I kept the more expensive kind (it was over the budget of £5, otherwise I just would have just bought them for her). I also found some African Violets in the reduced section for £ would have been rude not to buy them! I should have taken a picture of the Secret Santa gift, but forgot due to crocheting something you'll see a bit further down.

I can't resist anything that's pretty and vaguely exotic. If I could live in a part of the botanical garden, I'd pick the rainforest area.

They're also such tactile plants. With soft, hairy leaves and velvety flowers.

I've got some African Violets in the office already. They're a little difficult to care for, but I hope I have the hang of it. Also, they're the plant that just keeps on giving! You can take cuttings from the leaves and grow a whole new plant. Or do what I do...accidentally break a leaf, stick it in the soil and check back in a couple of weeks. The leaf is currently growing new roots and as soon as it's good enough for replanting, I'll have a third plant!

Why did I forget to photograph my colleague's gift? Well, I was busy finishing this little dear off:

When I saw the pattern for him, I just HAD to find an excuse to make him!
Unfortunately it meant the second she opened the gift, she knew who her Santa was. It's been a long time since I blushed, but when she turned to me and said "Thank you", I think I may have gone the colour of beetroot. But she liked him just as much as I do. I'll be making a few more: one for a colleague, and perhaps a couple for my cousins/aunt. I've also seen a fair few Christmas tree ornaments to crochet, so I think I'll be using up some of my stash of wool on them after Christmas.

Anyway...The title of this is Mulled Wine and I've mostly talked about penguins and flowers. I'm off into town again this evening, and I shall be seeking out some mulled wine sachets. Failing that, I'll be heading to a supermarket to buy the relevant spices. And then I'll be making both mulled wine and mulled cider. Alcohol galore around my flat! I'll be unable to go to work on Wednesday and have to call in sick with a hangover.

I'll actually just get one bottle of cider and a half bottle of wine. I want to try out mulled cider as Corey isn't a wine drinker, but he likes his cider. If he enjoys mulled cider, we'll be having some of that on our New Years/Christmas evening (it's all rolled into one this year!)

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